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This base located in the heart of the Rhine Valley of Chur provides a point of departure for transport flights to various parts of the Canton, including Prättigau, the Davos region, the Landwasser Valley, Lenzerheide and Schanfigg, along with many other places where our highly trained professional pilots get to demonstrate their accurate flying skills on a day-to-day basis. They can of course also provide a passenger flight service in and around the Rätikon Alpine range, along with the unforgettable experience of a flight along the Rhine Gorge to Martinsloch.

Our local team will be pleased to provide you with advice and take you up to experience some unforgettable moments.



transport flights passenger flight team

How to get there | Map

Polenlöserweg 30
CH-7204 Untervaz

Contact details

Tel. +41 81 322 57 57
Fax +41 81 322 50 00

Our helicopter bases

We are never far away

Swiss Helicopter is at your service at its fifteen bases located throughout Switzerland and the Principality of Lichtenstein. Our fleet of modern aircraft offers you maximum availability. We work on the principles of Swiss precision and professionalism, with competent service and reliability in all areas.

Just call us or visit us in person. We look forward to welcoming you.


Head office Chur
Swiss Helicopter AG
Hartbertstrasse 11
CH-7000 Chur

Nachhaltigkeits Label SwissHelicopter Swisstainable Member Switzerland Tourism Helly Hansen