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The entitlement to operate an aircraft requires a medical certificate in addition to a pilot’s licence. These certificates are divided into two categories: Class 1 for commercial pilots and Class 2 for private pilots.

The corresponding medical examination may take place during training, but before the first solo flight. Our flight school does however recommend, for obvious reasons, that you undergo your medical as soon as training begins.

Class 1
The initial medical examination for a Class 1 certification must take place at an aeromedical centre, preceded by a mandatory eye test carried out by a FOCA ophthalmologist.

Class 2
You may arrange for a FOCA-approved doctor to carry out a Class 2 medical. A list of approved medical professionals is available for you to contact directly.

The medical can be obtained in any EASA member state. However, the state which issues the medical will be the state issuing your licence later. Obtain a Swiss Medical if you plan to apply for a Swiss EASA licence.

FOCA, Civil aviation medical service

Further information flight school

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  • Now: Night-flight training
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  • Personal advice
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Our flight school locations

Please contact us and visit us – we’ll be happy to welcome you!



Head office Chur
Swiss Helicopter AG
Hartbertstrasse 11
CH-7000 Chur

Nachhaltigkeits Label SwissHelicopter Swisstainable Member Switzerland Tourism Helly Hansen