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It is a matter close to our heart to give our passengers the most beautiful views of the diverse Swiss landscape from a helicopter.

We are very pleased that we have resumed this activity after a long break and can't wait to take you and your loved ones on an unforgettable sightseeing flight, which we will of course plan with you based on the currently applicable protective measures. We look forward to flying with you!

Our popular family and group offers especially for you
Or many other flight ideas, which you can also find as a voucher in our Webshop.

Some information about our protective measures
Swiss Helicopter performs passenger flights again since May 11, 2020. Our helicopters and the premises on our bases are regularly cleaned and disinfected. We also provide protective masks for you before boarding the helicopter.

Information and booking
T +41 33 828 90 00, WhatsApp +41 79 828 90 00,

Our helicopter bases

We are never far away

Swiss Helicopter is at your service at its fifteen bases located throughout Switzerland and the Principality of Lichtenstein. Our fleet of modern aircraft offers you maximum availability. We work on the principles of Swiss precision and professionalism, with competent service and reliability in all areas.

Just call us or visit us in person. We look forward to welcoming you.


Head office Chur
Swiss Helicopter AG
Hartbertstrasse 11
CH-7000 Chur

Nachhaltigkeits Label SwissHelicopter Swisstainable Member Switzerland Tourism Helly Hansen